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American Roulette - Find out how to play online

Try American Roulette in its free demo version here, or play online at one of the best online casinos on the market. Thanks to its automatic betting option, the games will be much more dynamic and simple. If you are looking for the best Roulette option before choosing where to bet for real money, we will tell you all the details of this table. After a couple of geeks, you will know everything you need to get the most out of it.

Play American Roulette.
With automatic bets Play for real money at the American Roulette tables of 888casino.

Automatic bets are just one of the enhanced options of the premium version of this American Roulette. You will find numerous different color combinations (up to eleven different ones) and interface settings, to make you feel comfortable: from the color of the mat, to the type of view (3D or traditional). It also includes a history of results, statistics and favorite bets.

Try the free version of American Roulette

This is the perfect wheel for those players who really enjoy Roulette, because its features make it a very dynamic game. Get the most out of the demo version by trying out all the bet types it allows, managing all its settings and statistics panels. This way you will be able to develop your strategies and you will know how everything works exactly, before launching yourself to participate for real money. The credit will be replenished automatically, with no time limit and no spins.

View of American type Roulette table

The game is presented in multiple versions: from the mini ones with about a third of the numbers, to the original French ones with thirty-six numbers plus zero. American roulette is similar to European roulette, but it has two zeros (one single and one double), that is, a total of 38 possible single bets. The mat between the European and American versions is also somewhat different, but what really makes a clear difference compared to any of the other versions, are the premium options. And if you prefer a more classic variant, we recommend the vertical roulette available on the operator VERSUS

The specific rules of the table

Ready to guess which number the ball is going to land on? That is the goal of all the roulettes , where the best-paying bet isthe forecast to a number (including 0 and 00), with a reward of 35:1.

But in Premium American Roulette the options are many more: you can make split bets, placing the chip on the line separating two numbers on the mat; there are also cross bets, with which three numbers in a row are covered on the mat; corner bets (like divided ones, but between four numbers that share a corner) or column bets for twelve numbers, that is, an entire column.

Other available options are those of five, which are made by placing the tile on the edge line of the board where it intersects with the line separating the 0 from the first row of numbers. Another option is to the dozen, choosing from the three dozen numbers of the game (from one to twelve, from thirteen to twenty-four and from twenty-five to thirty-six). Finally there are the simplest bets, which cover a total of eighteen numbers: red or black, odd or even, or high (from 19 to 36) or low (from 1 to 18).

The extras in the premium version consist of saving up to four favorite betting groups, so you can bet whenever you want just by selecting them, in addition to accessing them automatically. Your bets will be saved identified with numbers from one to four. You can choose them to play each spin.

The automatic games have two modes: in the first you simply decide how many spins you want the table to make. In the second, you choose the conditions for the game to stop. For example, you can determine that the table stops if you win, if the prize exceeds a certain amount or if the balance drops below a certain figure.

The game settings will also allow you to change the interface by modifying the sound of the ambient music, the color of the mat, the camera angle and even the side towards which you want to rotate the wheel. In addition, you will always have the history with the last twenty-four balls visible.

Play American Roulette for real money

As you can see, betting with American Roulette is very simple. If after trying the free demo you have decided to play for real money prizes, take a look at our casinos. You just have to order them after registering on the portal and the credit will be added immediately to the available balance in your account. In some of the casinos you can find table games like this online Roulette, of which you will find several versions or also playing cards, such as blackjack.

We say goodbye wishing you luck and with one last piece of information, which will undoubtedly be interesting for you: the RTP (theoretical return percentage to the player) is calculated at 93.92%. With an optimal game strategy it is 92.11% for the bet on five, and 94.74% for the rest of the bets. Good luck!

Including ‘0' and '00’ developed by Playtech